******WITH TIME CHANGES*******
This week the War Eagle Radio Network will sit down for 3 in depth interviews with Football Coach Josh Wolfe & Boys Basketball Coach Jason Fitch, on Wednesday…….
THEN….On Friday at 4:30pm Lady War Eagles Coach Anna Trull.
WED. 4:30pm Coach Josh Wolfe will talk with us about the tough football season that we experienced in 2015, and what we have to look forward to in 2016. We will break down a few of the games and plays that led to a unfortunate 2-8 season record.
WED. 5:30pm Coach Jason Fitch in his first year at West Carroll will discuss what he feels like this 2015-2016 season will hold, as well as look back on what he can use from the team’s history. Same as Coach Trull, we will talk with Fitch about some tough games ahead, and what practice has done to mold this year’s group of guys!!
FRI. 4:30pm Coach Anna Trull talks about her undefeated regular season team in her first year at West Carroll, and will that momentum lead to great things with this year’s team? We will also get a preview of the season to come, talk about some tough games ahead, and what practice has done to mold this year’s group of girls!!
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